Accounting term FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Net sales (millions of yen) 262,117 265,452 284,128 371,019 316,476
Operating income (millions of yen) 14,941 18,737 8,444 15,098 5,747
Ordinary income (millions of yen) 13,683 20,537 11,402 17,432 14,375
Profit attributable to owners of parent (millions of yen) 5,765 13,008 3,722 8,694 3,067
Total net assets (millions of yen) 110,711 126,085 131,454 139,570 146,579
Total assets (millions of yen) 213,250 251,378 268,633 298,390 275,634
Net assets per share (BPS)(yen) 1,021.74 1,161.61 1,205.43 1,272.80 1,324.12
Earnings per share (EPS)(yen) 55.11 124.32 35.57 83.04 29.29
Shareholder’s equity ratio (%) 50.1 48.4 47.0 44.7 50.3
Return on equity (ROE) (%) 5.3 11.4 3.0 6.7 2.3
Price earnings ratio (PER) (times) 35.4 24.8 67.2 45.0 64.3
Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities (millions of yen) 9,724 25,001 △14,945 △8,043 42,624
Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities (millions of yen) △ 19,141 △ 11,267 △7,871 △8,423 △16,429
Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities (millions of yen) 2,090 △ 5,825 △971 19,316 △25,077
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of period (millions of yen) 27,571 36,707 14,202 17,391 19,715
Capital expenditures (millions of yen) 13,939 8,729 8,201 8,217 11,799
R&D expenses (millions of yen) 13,425 14,133 14,582 15,704 15,269