ErP EcoDesign

Approach to New Energy Efficiency Standard. Creation of Comfort

Fujitsu General's Action

The new energy efficiency standard, as known Energy-related products (ErP) Directive, is set for improving the environmental performance by requiring integrates product design.

FUJITSU GENERAL provides the products that meet the EU action plan 20/20/20*1 and the implementing measures for air-conditioners in the ECO-Design Directive (ErP)*2 .

FUJITSU GENERAL is focusing on the development of high seasonal efficiency products that are adapted to meet the new energy efficiency requirements starting*3 from January 2013

By 2020, CO2 emission -20%, Renewable energy share 20%, Primary energy use -20%
Commission Regulation 206 / 2012 / EU.
New Energy Labelling Requirement 626 / 2011 / EU

Better seasonal efficiency improving
total operation performance

Product development that is optimised for
the European environment and lifestyle

New expanding CLASS A to A+++ products lineup

Effciency in Actual Operation

Pursuit of Energy Saving
Taking Actual Operation into Consideration

The heat load varies greatly depending on the time and season. However, the operation ratio EER or COP up to now has been calculated based on the rated value and the annual operating hours per outdoor temperatures was not taken into consideration.

For this reason, SEER* and SCOP* have been made the standard in terms of actual operating hours throughout the year.

* :
SEER = Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio
SCOP = Seasonal Coefficient Of Performance

New Energy Labelling Requirement SGM/2013-11

Our models are reaching the "Class A+++" ranking, the highest energy efficiency level that is now shown on energy labels in Europe.

Hlavní body nových energetických štítkù... Roèní úèinnost provozu : Sezónní úèinnost [Zahrnuje výkon pøi èásteèném zatížení / Optimalizace pro nìkolik teplot] , Snížení celkové spotøeby energie : Celková spotøeba energie [Provozní spotøeba energie / Spotøeba energie pøi stand-by / Pøedehøev kompresoru / Thermo off] , Produkty s nízkou hluèností : Akustický výkon [Nové kritérium]

Creating Top-class Products with Core technology

Fujitsu General has achieved annual efficiency by adopting a DC rotary compressor, All DC inverter control, efficient heat exchanger and high-density heat exchanger technology. Economical and comfortable air conditioning is realized by various energy saving technologies such as sensor technology and economical set temperature control, etc. In addition, we also create a comfortable environment at all times by developing original air flow control.

Thin and Smart Design LT series Image PhotoWide high efficiency range DC Twin Rotary Compressor Photo

Wide high efficiency range! and High effiency impacts on seasonal efficiency

Fujitsu General promoting air sourced heat pumps as renewable energy source heating systems

Lambda heat exchanger and Multi-path heat exchanger Images

Heat exchange performance is substantially improved by thin and high-density heat exchanger and multi-path efficiency technology.

Thin and Easy to Operate Wireless Remote Controller Photo

Human sensor catches movements of people in a room, and operates with lower capacity when people leave the room. When people come back to the room, it automatically returns to previous operating mode.

Energy Saving Control Image

High heating capacity is realized even at low outdoor temperature by mounting the large heat exchanger or large DC rotary compressor and developing the high performance inverter PCB.

Fujitsu General offers a broad lineup of products from large living rooms to bedrooms and children's rooms.

Multi Split provides comfort in a variety of situations from home to office and store.

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