Environment : Environmental Data

Total 446,579 GJ
Energy 81,973 MWh
Electricity derived from renewable energy sources 30,767 MWh
City gas 579,000
LPG 1,332 t
Petrol 742 kL
Light oil 881 kL
Kerosene 36 kL
Heavy oil - A 32 kL
Total 88,239 t
Metal 64,879 t
Plastics 13,915 t
Packing material 7,211 t
Others 2,234 t
Water usage 391,000
Chemical substance*1 30 t

Total 32,860 GJ
Vehicle fuel 32,250 GJ
Procurement 2,690 GJ
Shipment 29,559 GJ
Marine transportation fuel 610 GJ
Shipment 610 GJ

Electricity*3 54,172 GWh

Total 435,106 units
CRT type TV 1,456 units
LCD / Plasma type TV 82 units
Air-conditioner 375,426 units
Refrigerator / Freezer 55,454 units
Washing machine / Cloth dryer 2,688 units

Greenhouse gas 12,736 t-CO2e
CO2 9,400 t-CO2
Fluorocarbons 3,336 t-CO2e
NOx 33.8 t
SOx 1.5 t
VOC 6.7 t
Total 9,348 t
Final disposal amount 658 t
Effective utilization / Others 1,633 t
Valuable quantity 7,057 t
Water discharge 338,000
BOD 10.2 t
COD 29.6 t
Chemical substance emission・
Volume of movement*4
29 t

Total 29,131 t-CO2
CO2 Procurement 1,374 t-CO2
of which in Japan 185 t-CO2
CO2 Shipment 27,757 t-CO2
of which in Japan 2,083 t-CO2

CO2*5 23,980,534 t-CO2

Total 36,191 t
Disposal amount 18,669 t
Fluorocarbons regeneration amount 247 t
Other reuse 17,275 t
Aggregation of handling amounts for PRTR Law subject substances, with an annual handling threshold of 100 kg or more per facility.
Scope of coverage is within Japan
Power consumption during product use: Total amount of power consumed by our products during operation time (estimated value)
Emission and transfer amounts for PRTR Law subject substances, with an annual handling threshold of 100 kg or more per facility.
CO2 emission during product use: Total of emission during operating period of our products

Reporting period:
FY2023 (April 1, 2023 – March 31, 2024)
Fujitsu General Limited and its consolidated subsidiaries
However, this does not include the figures of FGAHP, a consolidated subsidiary newly established in December 2022 and Kløver Vest Holdings AS, a consolidated subsidiary newly established in April 2023.
(Refer to List of Report Target Organization for details.)
Reporting Unit:
Figures may not add up due to rounding.

Scope1, 2 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 % of total
(Direct emissions from fuels and fluorocarbons consumed by the company)*1
26,719 24,497 30,651 20,895 ★12,736 0.05%
(Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the company)
42,450 40,388 12,536 0 ★0 0.00%
(Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the company)
33,088 33,078 44,132 44,405 ★40,510 -
Total (Scope1+Scope2(Market-based)) 69,169 64,885 43,188 20,895 ★12,736 0.05%
Indicators assured by third party

Scope3 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 % of total
Category 1
Purchased goods and services
657,631 897,591 883,642 739,007 886,174 3.55%
Category 2
Capital goods
43,072 26,973 25,341 25,391 36,459 0.15%
Category 3
Fuel- and energy-related activities not included in Scope 1 or Scope 2
2,864 2,863 3,101 3,125 2,846 0.01%
Category 4
Upstream transportation and distribution*4
74,485 70,669 75,608 91,135 20,780 0.08%
Category 5
Waste generated in operations
1,873 2,927 2,441 2,536 2,242 0.01%
Category 6
Business travel*5
1,544 576 969 1,057 1,131 0.00%
Category 7
Employee commuting*5
302 312 284 311 297 0.00%
Category 8
Upstream leased assets*6
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -
Category 9
Downstream transportation and distribution*4
41,806 38,806 44,655 54,139 9,182 0.04%
Category 10
Processing of sold products
13 28 37 44 36 0.00%
Category 11
Use of sold products*7
30,048,369 26,898,531 30,718,445 39,577,537 ★23,980,534 96.08%
Category 12
End-of-life treatment of sold products
8,691 8,873 9,068 9,974 7,091 0.03%
Category 13
Downstream Leased assets
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -
Category 14
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -
Category 15
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -
Total (Scope3) 30,880,650 27,948,148 31,763,593 40,504,255 24,946,772 99.95%
Indicators assured by third party

Scope1, 2, 3 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Total (Scope1+Scope2(Market-based)+Scope3) 30,949,819 28,013,033 31,806,781 40,525,150 24,959,508
As for the amount of fluorocarbons emissions from repair processes at factories, the amount of fluorocarbons filled into products was regarded as the amount of fluorocarbons emissions until FY2021, but from FY2022, the amount of fluorocarbons filled into products minus the amount of fluorocarbons recovered is calculated as the amount of fluorocarbons emissions.
Domestic: Calculated with emission factors for electricity contractually purchased
Overseas: Calculated with emission factors by country based on IEA "Emissions Factors"
Note that the CO2 emissions of Scope 2 are zero because of the contract for renewable energy electricity and the purchase of renewable energy electricity certificates.
Calculated based on average electricity generation emission factors for defined locations
- Before FY2020
 Domestic: Calculated with emission factors of 2002 listed on the public documents by the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan
 Overseas: Calculated with emission factors of 2006 listed on the public documents by the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan
- From FY2021 onward
 Domestic: Calculated with the national average factor in the Ministry of the Environment's "Emission Factors by Electric Utility Company".
 Overseas: Calculated with emission factors by country based on IEA "Emissions Factors"
The calculation method for overseas transportation was revised starting FY2023.
Scope of coverage is within Japan
Category 6 and 7 only covers domestic travels and commutes.
Products included in the calculation
- Before FY2020: air conditioners, information and communication systems, and in-vehicle cameras
- From FY2021 onward: air conditioners
Note that the figures for FY2021 only have been retroactively adjusted to improve the accuracy of the tabulation.

Indicator Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Electric power MWh 81,541 82,173 89,306 89,113 81,973
Electricity derived from renewable energy sources MWh 645 1,304 3,245 28,951 30,767
Light oil kL 987 970 839 906 881
Petrol kL 464 822 759 759 742
Kerosene kL 50 54 42 34 36
Heavy oil-A kL 34 40 27 32 32
LPG t 2,585 2,509 2,567 2,491 1,332
City gas 1,000㎥ 208 142 511 431 579
LNG 1,000㎥ 206 280 - - -

Indicator Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Metal t 89,706 101,452 102,637 107,720 64,879
Other than metal (plastic, etc.) t 41,168 38,259 37,118 36,041 23,360

Indicator Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Chemical substance* t 52 40 50 54 30
Aggregation of handling amounts for PRTR Law subject substances, with an annual handling threshold of 100 kg or more per facility.

Indicator Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Emissions of CO2 associated with business activities t-CO2 45,617 46,217 25,482 12,611 9,400
Emissions of greenhouse gases other than CO2 (CO2 equivalent)*1 t-CO2e 14,190 11,358 17,706 8,284 3,336
Nitrogen oxides (NOx)*2 kg 24,385 33,715 30,502 31,539 33,784
Sulfur oxide (SOx)*2 kg 674 3,031 7,418 1,280 1,511
Chemical substance emission・Volume of movement*3 t 49 37 47 50 29
Volatile organic compounds(VOC) kg 0 0 0 5,858 6,653
As for the amount of fluorocarbons emissions from repair processes at factories, the amount of fluorocarbons filled into products was regarded as the amount of fluorocarbons emissions
Note 1: until FY2021, but from FY2022, the amount of fluorocarbons filled into products minus the amount of fluorocarbons recovered is calculated as the amount of fluorocarbons emissions.
After thoroughly reviewing the data, we have made some corrections to the performance figures published for the fiscal year 2023.
Emission and transfer amounts for PRTR Law subject substances, with an annual handling threshold of 100 kg or more per facility.

Indicator Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Water usage 1,000㎥ 396 382 417 409 391
Water server / Tap water 1,000㎥ 395 382 416 408 390
Rain water 1,000㎥ 1 0 1 1 1
Water discharge 1,000㎥ 341 331 364 355 338
Sewage 1,000㎥ 340 331 364 354 337
Released into river / ocean   1,000㎥ 1 1 1 1 1
Water quality (BOD) t 39.8 12.1 15.9 10.0 10.2
Water quality (COD) t 83.6 50.3 45.3 31.2 29.6

Indicator Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Effective utilization / others t 322 310 412 423 386
Valuable quantity t 1,232 907 1,025 974 878
Final disposal amount t 198 186 103 109 115
Recycling rate % 88.7 86.7 93.3 92.8 91.6

Indicator Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Effective utilization / others t 1,343 1,357 1,602 1,400 1,210
Valuable quantity t 6,696 7,118 7,689 9,683 6,179
Final disposal amount t 476 399 536 744 459
Recycling rate % 94.4 95.5 94.5 93.7 94.1

Indicator Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Product recycling disposed quantity 1,000 units 397 451 418 429 435
Product recycling rate (Air conditioner) % 94 94 95 95 95
Product recycling rate (CRT Television) % 74 74 74 74 74
Product recycling rate (LCD / Plasma Television) % 87 86 86 87 86
Product recycling rate (Refrigerator / Freezer) % 80 81 80 80 80
Product recycling rate (Washing machine / Cloth dryer) % 93 94 94 94 94
Estimated collection volume of plastic (foamed styrol) kg 5,266 5,271 6,073 5,247 4,039
Estimated collection volume of plastic (Other plastics) kg 9,720 9,533 10,091 8,869 6,667